Friday, June 22, 2007

Simple Musings on Canes

So I've been thinking lately about canes. Thinking about them ALOT, actually. I might say at the outset that I've never been caned. I've been whipped with a dressage whip. I've been paddled with a wooden spoon, a wooden spatula, and a hair brush (plastic). I've been beaten with a riding crop. I've been strapped with a belt (hers). And I've enjoyed immensely each one of these.

My own feeble efforts at researching the topic has only revealed that bamboo is dangerous because it's hollow down the centre, and if the cane breaks it can seriously damage the skin (bruises I'm fond of, but out and out cuts I am not).

One other option is rattan, and I've been looking through hobby stores looking to buy some (you know, for basket weaving etc.) but have so far had no luck.

So, the question: Does anyone know anything about where one buys rattan? Is there any other type of material that does the job just as well? And most importantly, how do canes *feel*?

I am breathlessly awaiting replies from my multitudinous readers.

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